The Resource for Leaders & Scouts
information booklet from Delaware Council on camping.It has all the information you need. Troop Camp Book
Worksheets and word documents
to help you plan you camping trip.
Parent Info
Word doc that you can customize for
your parents before your 1st camping trip.
Outdoor Good Manners
Behavior Contract
For girls and parents
Camp Clock
Medicine Permission Slip
How to plan a Camping Trip
A worksheet girls use to determine
what and how much to bring.
Camping Equipment
Check off List
Kaper Chart
Definition of the various jobs
Meal Shopping/Packing Worksheet
for girls & Leaders to use
Meal Planning Worksheet
system use to make sure you
pack everything for each meal
Meal Recap
List of meals for the weekend
Girls - Packing List
A Special Activity for All Girls
Camping is a great way to build new skills, get
a sense of community, and develop a deep appreciation for nature. Whether you go for a day,
a week or longer, Girl Scout camping gives you an opportunity to grow, explore, and have fun—always under the guidance of caring, trained adults.
Every girl should have a chance to camp!
If you're one of those leaders that your idea of camping is "Camp Marriott", please let us know
at the SU level, as there are plenty of troops that
will take your girls camping along with them so
that they can get that experience!
Leaders need to obtain 3 levels
of training before camping.
The Camping Skills training sessions are
presented in three progressive levels and need
to be taken in order. Level I is a prerequisite for
Level II, and Level II is a prerequisite for Level III.
Minimum enrollment for Level I and Level III is five.
Minimum enrollment for Level II is 15.
Maximum enrollment for each training session is 30.
In order to progressively practice these
new skills, it is recommended that each
level be taken at least one month apart.
Make sure to take your council training before you go! Then read this great