The Resource for Leaders & Scouts
All deposits and reimbursement request must be sent/given the SU Treasurer within 1 month of the event. All receipts should be attached to the appropriate forms.
Reimbursements will not be issued until a Final Financial Report has been submitted. No receipts, no reimbursement.
To help you organize:
Troop Bank Account Register
Troop Finances Workbook
Must be filled out and submitted to the Treasurer
Use this when turning in checks to the Treasurer that were collected for the SU
Use this form to submit all receipts for reimbursements to the Treasurer.
Use this form if your donor would like a receipt for their donation.
Please go to our "Registration" tab for all forms related to registration.
Use the link below to take you to
the GSGLA Forms Library.
You'll find ALL forms you need there.
***NEW Events and Money
Earning application link
Auto Transportation &
Health History Forms
A Parent Permission Form is REQUIRED
for EVERY activity or trip, for EACH girl,
whether parents attend or not.
Click on the link below to open a fillable pdf document.
The Council requires all Events to fill out and file
the Application for Special Event form with them.
In addition, if you are hosting an event and plan to
use it as a money earning project, you must file aTroop Money Earning Application. Depending on
your event, you might also need to file an Additional Insurance Request Form. Also, don't forget to file
a Report for your Special Event when it is done!
All of these forms can be found on the council
website or by clicking HERE!