The Resource for Leaders & Scouts

Girl Scouts

La Canada Flintridge

General Information 
and Links for all Leaders

***NEW Events and Money 
Earning application link

Leader Training at Council​

GSGLA - Use this link to find out when the various Leader training classes are offered and sign up.​

Safety Activity Checkpoints

This replaces Safetywise and provides 
Girl Scout guidelines for all activities 

Leader Magazine

GS USA online version has tips, program
ideas and stories for leaders.


Find out where everything goes.

Money Earning Guidelines

Read this before doing 
any money earning activity.

Safety Award - All Levels

Use the link below to get the 
requirements to earn the Safety Award.

Girl Scout Challenge

When girls take THE CHALLENGE, they explore
some of the values and leadership skills that 
are at the very heart of Girl Scouting: 
courage, character, confidence, and the ability 
and desire to make the world a better place.

Administrative Help

GSGLA Forms Library

(our local Council)


World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

Volunteer Essentials 

Updated versions of Volunteer Essentials

are released every October.

The current version is 2019-2020.

Volunteer Essentials

That link will take you to a page where you can download the entire book or individual chapters. 

Also available on that page are links to the "What's New for Volunteer Essentials 2019-20" webinar and that webinar's PowerPoint presentation. 

Volunteer Essentials

Chapter 1: Welcome to Girl Scouts
Chapter 2: Troop Start Guide
Chapter 3: Troop Management
Chapter 4: Safety-Wise
Chapter 5: Managing Group Finances
Chapter 6: Trips, Camping, and Travel
Chapter 7: Properties
Chapter 8: Standards and Procedures

Volunteer Essentials Forms

Volunteer Essentials Index

Volunteer Essentials is a reference guide to use as needed. It includes information about starting a troop, important safety reminders , managing troop finances, and provides an overview of Girl Scouting!  Every Leader should be referring to Volunteer Essentials to see how to run and operate his/her troop.  You can open and review the entire book or you can merely go to the chapter that pertains to what you’re looking for.  

We recommend referring to Safety Checkpoints when you’re doing an activity, just to refresh yourself on what

is required.  The checkpoints help you ensure the safety of your girls as you do activities throughout your

Girl Scout adventure.  Here’s the link to the 

All Safety Activity Checkpoints.

Lastly, in an effort to help explain what is needed when you want to take your girls to events and activities, the
“What I Need for My Girls To…” document has been updated.  Please take a look at the  What I Need for My Girls To document.  Please print this document and change what is currently in your Service Unit Binder.  

We strongly encourage you to view

Essentials, Safety Activity Checkpoints

and the What I Need for My Girls To document. 

Below are ideas from our LCF Leaders.


​You can download these word files and then 
customize the ceremonies for your troop.


General Investiture
Brownie Investiture 
Ribbon Investiture

Court of Award / End of year

Cupcake Court of Awards
Brownie Court of Awards 
Junior Court of Awards 

World Pin / World Friendship Day

World Pin 
World Pin II 


Cadette Bridging - Gold Key


Flag  - general meeting
Flag - outdoor

Use the links below from the GS USA website 
to help you plan your ceremonies.

Flag Ceremony
General Ceremonies 
Bridging Ceremonies 


Grace - Links to words for Graces


Songs - Link to song resource


Swaps, the tradition of Girl Scouts exchanging keepsakes, started long ago when Girl Scouts and Girl Guides first gathered for fun, song, and making new friends.

Originally, swaps were exchanged at national Girl Scout Senior Roundups and referred to as "Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere." 

Swaps are still the perfect way for Girl Scouts to meet each other and promote friendship. Each one is a memory of a special event or Girl Scout Sister. 

Swaps Basics - Click here for a links with ideas

Swaps should: 

    * Tell something about the givers or their 
    troop/group. (Girls may include their
    address or email information so others can
    write to them.)

    * Represent the givers' country, community,
    or local Girl Scout council.

Leader Resources

LCF SU Bridge!

The La Canada Service Unit now has its own bridge to use for bridging ceremonies thanks to the Bronze Award project by Amelia Schmitigal.

Click on the picture below for more information.