The Resource for Leaders & Scouts

Girl Scouts

La Canada Flintridge

La Canada Girl Scout Day Camp

Camp Email:

Camp website
Do you want your project or event 
on the website?

If you have a project or event you'd like advertised, please submit your flyer in "pdf" format to: It will be posted as soon as possible. 

For Gold/Silver/Bronze projects, please include a "deadline" on your 
flyer so that we know when we can remove it from the website. 

If you'd like us to notify leaders about your upcoming event or project, flyers must be submitted one week prior to the leader meetings (usually the second Thursday of the month).  

With very few exceptions, the service unit will only send an e-blast once a month.

If you miss a deadline, you'll need to wait until the next e-blast. 

Join  Girl Scout Robotics!

Team 26 - Rock N' Roll Robots

The team was founded in 2007, Rock N’ Roll Robots (#25) was the first GSGLA-sponsored FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) team. A second team, Javabots (#5218), was formed in 2015, to accommodate more girls. FTC competitors build and program robots with advanced parts and learn many other skills such as community service, public speaking, and writing.

Our independent Girl Scout-affiliated community teams accept Girl Scouts from anywhere within the Greater Los Angeles region who are able to regularly attend meetings. Our members range from 7th to 12th grade and come from eight different school districts. There is no experience required to attend! The teams are led by a dedicated group of mentors, including engineers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

MEETING HOURS Active Season (Aug.-March)
Mondays: 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturdays: 10 a.m. to  4 p.m. 
Thursdays: 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (if needed to complete late tasks)

Off-Season (May-Aug.)
Meetings are scheduled as needed to support activities.
(3-hour Saturday meetings are typical.)

MEETING LOCATION We meet on the beautiful campus of Mayfield Senior School, a Catholic, independent, all-girls high school, located at:

500 Bellefontaine Street
Pasadena, CA 91105


Sunday, May 7
4 PM

La Canada High School Auditorium

Email James Evans for more info.

Events, Projects, Flyers

Upcoming LCF Service Unit Events





LCF SU Bridge Available!

See the Leader Resourcespage for more information on borrowing the bridge for your bridging ceremony.

Click here to learn more!

Gold/Silver/Bronze Awards Projects

Support these deserving projects!

Contact the SUMs to advertise via email, website and at Leader Meetings!